Saturday, November 26, 2005

New Beginnings

I know that it's been some time since I've blogged and it's not due to the lack of anything to say. On the contrary, I've had LOTS to blog about just no willpower to actually put the thoughts down. Remember the rollercoaster of emotions that I wrote about? Well, they continue each day and I'm just trying to gain more control of them. It's a work in progress that hopefully will make me a better person.

I went to my first full workout session this morning after a few mishaps getting on track. I pushed myself a little more than the average "newbie" but it's because A. I have a LOT of stress to release and B. I have a four month goal to get into better shape. Those who know me well know that I'm stubborn when it comes to focusing on a goal. I don't play around. So, even though I know that this is going to be tough, in the long run it will pay many dividends. I've set a three-day per week workout schedule for the next three weeks. Gotta start off small. We'll see what happens.

stay tuned....

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