Sunday, July 22, 2007

My Good Deed

After lunch today with my extended family, I headed to the mall for a bit. It was such a beautiful Sunday afternoon that I didn't want to waste it sitting at home. Heaven knows, I've spent enough Sundays holed up in my apartment like a hermit with no life. This was partly because of the person I was with at the time, partly because I didn't know any better. Time has shown that I've grown, in a sense.

Anyways, I needed to replace the blender that I currently have. This will be my third one in six or seven months. Since I've been trying to change my eating habits and stay away from a lot of junk foods, I found my substitute- smoothies. Smoothies are delicious, healthy (at least the way I make them) and refreshing during these hot (and sometimes humid) days. The blender has been getting a lot of mileage and I know see that the $19.99 choice is no longer taking care of my needs. So, I went to my favorite household joint, Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up one that would last a little longer. I found one that I thought would do the trick and proceeded to the checkout line. While waiting to be rung up, an older man ask me which paper I'd receive the coupon that I held in my hand. I replied that it came in the mail. He stated that his daughter had one so he would see if she could bring it use on his purchase. I pondered for a moment and remembered that I also had a coupon to Linen N'Things, which is their competitor. They take competitor coupons as long as it wasn't a copy. Since I wasn't going to use it and it expired today, I gave it to the gentleman. He gave me a big smile and thanked me.

I then paid for my purchase and headed over to the Shoprite next door to pickup a few things for dinner and for my lunch for the week. As I was heading to the cashier, I saw the same man. He again thanked me and explained how the 20% coupon came right on time and saved him money. He offered to buy me a soda and pay for some of my groceries but I politely declined.

I felt good that I'd done a good deed for the day as I try to help out whenever I can. Blessings given are Blessings received.

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