Monday, August 07, 2006

The Beginning of the End

So, in a littlle over five weeks from now I will be a single woman again. What has been contemplation, resignation and indecision for the better half of seven months has finally come to a resolution. On Saturday morning, my boyfriend informed me that he'd booked a flight to the West Coast and that he would be leaving in Mid-September. I wasn't shocked by this information as I knew this day would come. However, it didn't make it any easier to hear. Then, he looked deep into my eyes and told me that he loved me and was going to miss me very much. I was okay at that point so we proceeded to go over the details of when his flight was, how he was going to ship his things, etc. For the first time in months, we had a really cordial conversation void of any yelling, screaming or accusations. He took me out to various places Saturday and yesterday and I have to admit that we had a good time and enjoyed each other's company. Of course, there was sex involved but it was more bittersweet than anything. However, this morning the magnitude of the weekend's events hit me head on and I've been trying to keep it together. I know that GOD forewarned me that this day would arrive, I guess I just wasn't as prepared as I first thought.

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