Monday, July 31, 2006


I arrived back into the New York City area late last night from California and during the entire trip home, I smiled because I was finally in a relaxed state of mind. You see, my last relaxing date was back in March when I accompanied TD to Fort Lauderdale to visit her Godmother. Let's see, that was a good four months ago. And my spirit has been in the dumps ever since with one stressful situation after the next. See, stress doesn't wear well on me so I need that time to re-energize from time to time. This trip was the perfect prescription to get me back to where I need to be to conquer my short-term goals in the upcoming months. Man, the bed that I slept on was a 'Heavenly' bed and it lived up to it's name. Events were planned for the two days that I was there but I made sure to steal some time to take a nap. Boy, that was the best thing I could've done. I felt very at peace when I awakened and it was as though nothing could take it away. I went on a tour of the city which was very cool and took some pics (which I'll try to post) to hone my photography skills. Since I encounter tourists everyday near my job, it was refreshing to be on the other side and be a tourist myself. All in all I had a great time witnessing my friend's journey as she begins her life with her new husband while also taking the opportunity to get in some much needed rest and relaxation. Now, I feel that I can tackle life's obstacles and head closer to my goals.

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