Friday, July 20, 2007

So Beautiful

'Your so beautiful
Beautiful to me
Your so beautiful
God sent you here for me
How could I have known my love for you
Would grow into something so beautiful...'

Poem by
nongpoknganba khabanganba

As I walked to the bus stop this morning, a young man of Hispanic descent smiled at me and stated with his heavy accent, 'You're so Beautiful.' Now usually, it's either the old, overweight, toothless men or the men who most women would consider full of crap hollering at me. In this case however, it was a genuine compliment coming from a person who meant nothing other than to cheer me up. Then, to top things off, I passed a construction worker on the way to the office and he gave men the full effort of his smile and said good morning to me. Given the stress-filled week I've had, it was a welcomed comment!

GOD sure knows when to send the angels my way!



TD said...

So... umm yeah... umma need more than one post a month... LOL (((HUGS)))

WildKat said...

LOL!!!! Yeah yeah, I know. I've been slacking.