Sunday, July 22, 2007

My Good Deed

After lunch today with my extended family, I headed to the mall for a bit. It was such a beautiful Sunday afternoon that I didn't want to waste it sitting at home. Heaven knows, I've spent enough Sundays holed up in my apartment like a hermit with no life. This was partly because of the person I was with at the time, partly because I didn't know any better. Time has shown that I've grown, in a sense.

Anyways, I needed to replace the blender that I currently have. This will be my third one in six or seven months. Since I've been trying to change my eating habits and stay away from a lot of junk foods, I found my substitute- smoothies. Smoothies are delicious, healthy (at least the way I make them) and refreshing during these hot (and sometimes humid) days. The blender has been getting a lot of mileage and I know see that the $19.99 choice is no longer taking care of my needs. So, I went to my favorite household joint, Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up one that would last a little longer. I found one that I thought would do the trick and proceeded to the checkout line. While waiting to be rung up, an older man ask me which paper I'd receive the coupon that I held in my hand. I replied that it came in the mail. He stated that his daughter had one so he would see if she could bring it use on his purchase. I pondered for a moment and remembered that I also had a coupon to Linen N'Things, which is their competitor. They take competitor coupons as long as it wasn't a copy. Since I wasn't going to use it and it expired today, I gave it to the gentleman. He gave me a big smile and thanked me.

I then paid for my purchase and headed over to the Shoprite next door to pickup a few things for dinner and for my lunch for the week. As I was heading to the cashier, I saw the same man. He again thanked me and explained how the 20% coupon came right on time and saved him money. He offered to buy me a soda and pay for some of my groceries but I politely declined.

I felt good that I'd done a good deed for the day as I try to help out whenever I can. Blessings given are Blessings received.

Let's Dance!

I met up with TD and company on Friday night for some dancing at the Canal Room. I hadn't been out dancing in quite awhile and I'll admit that at first, I wasn't going to go. It wasn't for lack of hanging with my Sis, it's just that I'd had an awful week at work and in dealing with issues at home, I felt drained. But, I'm glad that I changed my mind because I had a great time. After debating over what I would wear (look, I'm still fairly new at this being on my own thing), I put together a comfortable but yet flirty outfit that I thought would work. I was correct.

As I stepped onto the bus to take me to the PATH train, a caucasian guy, maybe in his late thirties, early forties kept eyeing me on the low. He didn't think that I knew that he was looking my way but I caught him and he gave me this sheepish grin. I know that the girls were somewhat on display (done purposely), so all I could do was chuckle to myself.

Once I got on the train, the car that I rode in was somewhat empty. So, I pulled out my phone and started playing games. The conductor saw me and remarked that we had similar phones. Since I was sitting and he was standing, his gaze was somewhere between my phone and the girls. It was all good, though.

At the club, the music was pumping, the drinks were decent and this mama got her dance on! I even was able to make a couple of young men pleased by dancing with them. I had a lot of fun and it was a welcomed release to the end of a long week.

Well, I'm off to have brunch with my peeps! Later!!!!

What Must I Do?

What must I do to make things right when all we do lately is fuss and fight?
What must I do to set time back to when our relationship was more than alright?

How can we fix it if it's not too late?
Before we get to the point where we just hate?

What must I do, what must I do?

I heard one of my neighbors arguing loudly with his lady last night as I cleaned up and over and over again, he kept pleading, 'what must I do?' Those four words followed me into my subconsciousness and I awoke this morning with these words. Brought back a lot of memories of my own past relationships. Go figure.

Friday, July 20, 2007

So Beautiful

'Your so beautiful
Beautiful to me
Your so beautiful
God sent you here for me
How could I have known my love for you
Would grow into something so beautiful...'

Poem by
nongpoknganba khabanganba

As I walked to the bus stop this morning, a young man of Hispanic descent smiled at me and stated with his heavy accent, 'You're so Beautiful.' Now usually, it's either the old, overweight, toothless men or the men who most women would consider full of crap hollering at me. In this case however, it was a genuine compliment coming from a person who meant nothing other than to cheer me up. Then, to top things off, I passed a construction worker on the way to the office and he gave men the full effort of his smile and said good morning to me. Given the stress-filled week I've had, it was a welcomed comment!

GOD sure knows when to send the angels my way!
