Monday, August 11, 2008

The Roundup

Yes, I know. It's been some months since I've posted. The thoughts were there but the desire to put them on the Internet wasn't. But, here I am. Been dealing with various things and trying to put me first, even if no one else will. I'm finally getting my fibroid issue under control; the hrt therapy is really starting to work and I can see that my fibroids are beginning to shrink. For those of you who are experiencing issues with fibroids, I recommend researching all of your options. Doctors are very quick to suggest hysterectomies as that is all they know and it gains them more money than other treatments. It took a lot of research and persistence on my part to get to where I am. Ladies, keep control of your bodies; it's the only one you'll have.

On the professional aspect, I've hit a roadblock. I feel as it I just go to work now to collect a paycheck to try to keep up with the bills. It's no longer challenging and I feel as if my job doesn't know what to do with me. I'm a person that doesn't like to go to work and just do anything for the sake of doing it. My job has to be fulfilling, teach me something and leave me feeling at the end of the day like I've really accomplished something. I don't feel any of that so I'm currently taking steps to correct this and offer a solution for both me and my company. I'm a classy person and would like to remain as such.

Personally, I've been going out a little more. Not waiting for the phone to ring or someone to invite me out, just taking myself out there and meeting different people. It's a little overwhelming at times but I'm slowly getting used to it. I guess it's what happens when you've been with a person for so long that was content with being at home most of the time. Been on a few dates also but nothing worth talking about. I do however, have a couple of 'prospects' that I'm interested in so we'll see what the future brings. All I know is that I will continue to keep my heart under lock and key until the right person proves they are worthy.

Lastly, I finally received my new couch! I figure that if I'm going to stay in my current apartment for a little while longer, I may as well make it look like someone lives here. Once I get the exes boxes out of here, I'll purchase a chair or two. Then, I'll work on getting a flat screen. In the meantime, I can at least invite a couple of folk over for some food, drink and conversation without worrying where they'll sit.

Ciao for now.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Life is Like a Dance

Life is like a dance. Sometimes the steps are easy to learn; sometimes they're difficult. Sometimes, the movement is fast and furious but at times it can be slow, deliberate and graceful. Both take a lot of time, practice and patience. However, if you stick with it and not give up, the end result can be very rewarding.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Random Stuff

I'm at peace today and happy about it. I've talked through and resolved my differences with my bff, gotten things back on track with dealing with my fibroids and gotten all of my bills paid for the week. Then only thing lingering is this annoying sinus headache that won't seem to go away. Hopefully, the warm weather this wee will help.

I attended my bff's husband's stepshow last night and had a great time. I've been enthralled with stepping ever since I went to a show back in the 90s. It's mesmerizing to see these men and women step with such precision and grace. If my life had been a little different and I attended college earlier in life, I most likely would've been one of those people. However, my fate was towards a different direction and it's only now that I'm beginning to understand what that is.

Off to do some serious cooking and cleaning!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Am I a True Friend?

I like to consider myself as such. Granted, I've been terrible in the past with putting up the effort to maintain friendships and some of them have suffered because of it. But, as I've matured and learned to understand just how important my friends are to me, I feel that I've turned things around. I keep my circle of friends small because there are only a few people around me who I can count on through thick and thin. These select few are my comrades and I know that if needed, they would be right by my side. So, I try to do the same. Treat them the way that I'd want to be treated.

So, what do you do when you discover something that makes you feel as if one of those people are distancing themselves from you for some unknown reason? Especially if you have no clue if you're to blame for the sudden shift? What if you were told one thing and then found out it wasn't what it seemed. How should you react. I don't know.

What I do know for sure is that it doesn't lessen the hurt that I feel at the moment.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year, New Perspective

I'm trying to become better and blog more often, not for anyone else but me. It's part of my new perspective on life. I've decided to try harder at not letting everything get to the core of me. Those of you who know Libras know that we are people who feel deeply, love deeply and hurt just as deeply. However, those things take a lot of energy and I'd rather concentrate on the things that will help me become a better person. So, in 2008 I've pledged the following for myself-

1. Continue to take care of my health and strive towards my weight goals
2. Pursue my quest of becoming a homeowner
3. Surround myself with positive people
4. Let go of negative energy
5. Take the next step professionally in my life

Everything else is gravy!!