Monday, August 11, 2008

The Roundup

Yes, I know. It's been some months since I've posted. The thoughts were there but the desire to put them on the Internet wasn't. But, here I am. Been dealing with various things and trying to put me first, even if no one else will. I'm finally getting my fibroid issue under control; the hrt therapy is really starting to work and I can see that my fibroids are beginning to shrink. For those of you who are experiencing issues with fibroids, I recommend researching all of your options. Doctors are very quick to suggest hysterectomies as that is all they know and it gains them more money than other treatments. It took a lot of research and persistence on my part to get to where I am. Ladies, keep control of your bodies; it's the only one you'll have.

On the professional aspect, I've hit a roadblock. I feel as it I just go to work now to collect a paycheck to try to keep up with the bills. It's no longer challenging and I feel as if my job doesn't know what to do with me. I'm a person that doesn't like to go to work and just do anything for the sake of doing it. My job has to be fulfilling, teach me something and leave me feeling at the end of the day like I've really accomplished something. I don't feel any of that so I'm currently taking steps to correct this and offer a solution for both me and my company. I'm a classy person and would like to remain as such.

Personally, I've been going out a little more. Not waiting for the phone to ring or someone to invite me out, just taking myself out there and meeting different people. It's a little overwhelming at times but I'm slowly getting used to it. I guess it's what happens when you've been with a person for so long that was content with being at home most of the time. Been on a few dates also but nothing worth talking about. I do however, have a couple of 'prospects' that I'm interested in so we'll see what the future brings. All I know is that I will continue to keep my heart under lock and key until the right person proves they are worthy.

Lastly, I finally received my new couch! I figure that if I'm going to stay in my current apartment for a little while longer, I may as well make it look like someone lives here. Once I get the exes boxes out of here, I'll purchase a chair or two. Then, I'll work on getting a flat screen. In the meantime, I can at least invite a couple of folk over for some food, drink and conversation without worrying where they'll sit.

Ciao for now.