Thursday, October 04, 2007

Are the 40s Really the New 30s?

Well, I'm in the last few minutes of being forty years-old. There was a point in my life when I wasn't sure that I would adjust to leaving the thirties. I was determined to remain 'thirtysomething' forever. However, when I turned 38 and faced the fact that I couldn't turn back the clock, I welcomed the forties with open arms. Tonight, as I sit here and look back on all that I'd accomplished as a thirty-something year-old, I embrace the fact that I'm about to turn 41. I have a LOT more in life to accomplish, I feel relatively healthy, I'm damned sexy and I've made difficult decisions in my time that few would admit to.

Yeah, the forties are the new thirties....I thank GOD for blessing me with another year :)!